The following are all the technical publications authored by members of Design Exploration Group. The other pages on the left organize them by conference or journal.
Trade-Off Characterization Between Social and Environmental Impacts Using Agent-Based Product Adoption Models and Life Cycle Assessment by Liechty, J. C., Mabey, C. S., Mattson, C. A., Salmon, J. L., and Weaver, J. M., 2023, Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 145, No. 3, pp. 032001, DOI:10.1115/1.4056006.
Systematic Review and Classification of the Engineering for Global Development Literature Based on Design Tools and Methods for Social Impact Consideration by A. G. Armstrong, H. Suk, C.S. Mabey, C. A. Mattson, J. Hall, and J.L. Salmon, Journal of Mechanical Design, 2022, [In Press].
Creating Predictive Social Impact Models of Engineered Products Using Synthetic Populations by P.D. Stevenson, C.A. Mattson, and J.L. Salmon, Research in Engineering Design, 2022, [In Press].
A Formal Consideration of User Tactics During Product Evaluation in Early-Stage Product Development by T. Owens, C.A. Mattson, C.D. Sorensen, and M.L. Anderson, International Journal of Product Development, 2022, [In Press].
Use of Simulation and Wear Prediction to Explore Design Improvements to the Cup Seal in the India Mark II/III Hand Pump System by H.J. Ottosson, C.A. Mattson, and O.K. Johnson, 2022, Development Engineering, No. 1, Vol. 7, pp. DOI:10.1016/j.deveng.2022.100092.
Assessing Global Needs When Identifying Potential Engineering for Global Development Projects by C.S. Mabey, C.A. Mattson, and E. Dahlin, Journal of Mechanical Design, 2022, Vol. 144, No. 3, pp. 031402, DOI: 10.1115/1.4052223.
Open Research Questions for Incorporating Multi-Stakeholder Interests in Engineering for Global Development by P.D. Stevenson, A.E. Wood, C.A. Mattson, and J.L. Salmon, ASME 2021 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Virtual Conference, August 17–19, 2021.
FMEA-Inspired Analysis for Social Impact of Engineered Products by A.G. Armstrong, C.A. Mattson, J.L. Salmon, and E. Dahlin, ASME 2021 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Virtual Conference, August 17–19, 2021.
Product Development Using Perceived Correlations Between the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Social Impact Categories by G.E. Johnson, M.J. Fisher, J.L. Salmon, and C.A. Mattson, ASME 2021 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Virtual Conference, August 17–19, 2021.
A Framework for Predicting Potential Product Impact During Product Design by Mabey, C., Armstrong, A., Mattson, C., Salmon, J., & Hatch, N., Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED21), Gothenburg, Sweden, 16-20 August 2021.
Integrating Social Impact Measures Into the Airship Design Process by Richards, D., Stevenson, P., Mattson, C., & Salmon, J., Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED21), Gothenburg, Sweden, 16-20 August 2021.
Factors Leading to Sustainable Social Impact on the Affected Communities of Engineering Service Learning Projects by Armstrong, A. G., Mattson, C. A., and Lewis, R. S., Development Engineering, 2021, Vol. 6
Nitrile cup seal robustness in the India Mark II/III hand pump system by Ottosson, H.J., Mattson, C.A., Johnson, O.K., Naylor, T.A., Development Engineering, 2021, Vol 6
Design of Remote Data Collection Devices for Social Impact Indicators of Products in Developing Countries by Stringham, B. J., and Mattson, C. A., Development Engineering, 2021, Vol. 6
Identifying high-potential work areas in Engineering for Global Development: Linking Industry Sectors to the Human Development Index by Smith, D., Mattson, C., and Dahlin, E., Journal of Mechanical Design, 2021, Vol. 143, Issue 6
A Computational Simulation-based Framework for Estimating Potential Product Impact During Product Design by C.S. Mabey, A. Armstrong, C.A. Mattson, J. Salmon, N. Hatch, and E. Dahlin, 2021, Design Science, 7, E15. DOI:10.1017/dsj.2021.16.
The Technology/Tactics (TEC/TAC) Plot: Explicit Representation of User Actions in the Product Design Space by Stapleton, T., Owens, T., Mattson, C., Sorensen, C., & Anderson, M. (2019, August). In International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (Vol. 59193, p. V02BT03A013).
Evaluation of User Preferences for 3D Modeling and Design Reviews in Virtual Reality by Nysetvold, J. and Salmon, J.L., 2020
Structural Design Space Exploration Using Principal Component Analysis by Bunnell, S., Thelin, C., Bird, G., Salmon J.L. and Gorrell, S., Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, Vol. 20, No. 6., 2020
Single Pursuer and Two Cooperative Evaders in the Border Defense Differential Game by Salmon, J., Willey, L., Casbeer, D., Garcia, E., and Von Moll, A., Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, Vol. 17, No. 5., 2020.
Analysis of Perceived Social Impacts of Existing Products Designed for the Developing World, With Implications for New Product Development by Ottosson, H.J., Mattson, C.A., Dahlin, E.C., Journal of Mechanical Design, 2020, Vol 142,
Quantifying the Effects of Various Factors on the Utility of Design Ethnography in the Developing World by Wood, A. E. and Mattson, C. A., Research in Engineering Design
Over-Design Versus Redesign as a Response to Future Requirements by Allen, J. D., Stevenson, P. D., Mattson, C. A., and Hatch, N. W, Journal of Mechanical Design, 2019, Vol. 141 No. 3
Using a Product’s Sustainability Space as a Design Exploration Tool by Mattson, C. A., A. Pack, Lofthouse, V., and Bhamra, T., Design Science, 2019, Vol. 5, No. 1
Analysis and Evaluation of Partitioning Techniques for Multi-User CAD by Ong, J., Richards, D., and Salmon, J. L., Computer-Aided Design and Applications, Vol. 17, No. 5., 2019. \\ DOI:
Difference Modeling for Structural Design Comparison and Design Space Exploration by Thelin, C., Bunnell, S., J. Salmon, and Gorrell, S., Information Visualization, Vol. 18, No. 4., 2019 \\ DOI:
Deconfliction in High-Density Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems by Nysetvold, T. and Salmon, J.L., Journal of Air Transportation, Vol. 27, No. 2., 2019. DOI:
A Neutral XML Design Framework For Generating Parametric Parts In Multiple CAD Systems by Sadler, J., Day, R., Bronson, P., Tovar, J., and Salmon, J. L., Computer-Aided Design and Applications, Vol. 16, No. 5., 2019. DOI:
A CAD Assembly Simplification Approach with Ray Casting by Wright, L., Forsgren, B., Haskell, M., Owens, T., Salmon, J. L., and Bowman, E., Computer-Aided Design and Applications, Vol. 16, No. 5., 2019. DOI:
Establishing Baseline Performance for Off-the-Shelf Nitrile Seals for the India Mark II Hand Pump System by Ottosson, H.J., Naylor, T.A., Johnson, O.K., and Mattson, C.A. Proceedings of the ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 2019,Volume 2B.
Factors Leading to Sustainable Social Impact on the Affected Communities of Engineering Service Learning Projects. Armstrong, A. G., Mattson, C.A., and Lewis, R.S. International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 2019, Vol. 59216.
Incorporating Global and Local Customer Needs into Early Stages of Improved Cookstove Design by Thacker, K. S., Barger, K. M., and Mattson, C. A., International Journal of Product Development, 2018, Vol. 5, No 22
The Social Impacts of Products: A Review by M. Rainock, D. Everett, A. Pack, E. Dahlin, and C. A. Mattson, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 2018, Vol. 36, No. 3
Towards a Universal Social Impact Metric for Engineered Products that Alleviate Poverty by Stevenson, P., Mattson, C., Bryden, D., and MacCarty, N., Journal of Mechanical Design, 2018, Vol. 140, No. 4
Improving Virtual Design Team Performance Through Use of a Collaborative Sketching Application by Stone, B., Salmon, J.L., Hepworth, A., Gorrell, S., and Richey, M., International Journal of e-Collaboration, Vol. 13, No. 4., 2018. DOI:
Exploration and Evaluation of CAD Modeling in Virtual Reality by Freeman, S., Wright, L.B., and Salmon, J.L., Computer-Aided Design and Applications, Vol. 15, No. 6., 2018. \\DOI:
Effectiveness of an Immersive Virtual Environment for Collaboration with Gesture Support Using Low-Cost Hardware by Coburn, J.Q., Salmon, J.L., and Freeman I.J., Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 140, No. 4., 2018. DOI:
A Comparative Analysis of Computer-Aided Design Team Performance with Collaboration Software by Eves, K., Salmon, J.L. Olsen, J., and Fagergren, F., Computer-Aided Design and Applications, Vol. 15, No. 4., 2018. DOI:
Village Drill: A case study in engineering for global development with five years of data post market-introduction by C. A. Mattson, A. E. Wood, and J. Renouard, Journal of Mechanical Design, 2017, Vol. 139, No. 6.
Design for excess capability to handle uncertain product requirements in a developing world setting by Allen, J. D., Thacker, K. S., Mattson, C. A., and Ferguson, S. M., Research in Engineering Design, 2017, Vol. 28
Experimenting with concepts from modular product design and multi-objective optimization to benefit people living in poverty by Wasley, N. S., Lewis, P. K., Mattson, C. A., and Ottosson, H. J., Development Engineering, 2017, Vol. 2
Balancing Technical and User Objective in the Redesign of a Peruvian Cookstove by Thacker, K. S., Barger, K. M., and Mattson, C. A., Development Engineering, 2017, Vol. 2
A Data Analytics Approach to Evaluation of Competition in the 2012 Summer Olympics by Salmon, J.L. and Harrison W.K., Journal of Data Science, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2017
Hybrid State Transactional Database for Product Lifecycle Management Features in a Multi-Engineer Synchronous Heterogeneous CAD Environment by Shumway, D., Sadler, J., and Salmon, J.L., Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 15, 1, 2017. DOI:
A Bi-directional Interface for Improved Interaction with Engineering Models in Virtual Reality Design Reviews by Freeman I.J., Coburn, J.Q., and Salmon, J.L., International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 2017. DOI:
A Review of the Capabilities of Current Low-Cost Virtual Reality Technology and its Potential to Enhance the Design Process by Coburn, J.Q., Freeman I.J., and Salmon, J.L., Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 17, 3, 2017. DOI:
A Systems Engineering Approach to Harnessing Human Energy in Public Places: A Feasibility Study by Jafek, A. and Salmon, J.L., Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 139, 4, 2017. \\ DOI:
Analysis of Integrating a Production Design Generator with a Business Decision Support System for System-Level Decision Making by Seletos, T. and Salmon, J.L., Systems, 5, 1, 2017. \\ DOI:
A Multi-User Computer-Aided Design Competition: Experimental Findings and Analysis of Team-Member Dynamics by Stone, B., Salmon, J.L., Eves, K., Killian, M., Wright, L., Oldroyd, J., Gorrell, S., and Richey, M., Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 17, 3, 2017. \\DOI:
A Simple Starting Point for Designing for and/or Assessing the Social Impact of Products. by Ottosson, H., Hirschi, E., Mattson, C.A., Dahlin, E., Proceedings of the ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 2017, Volume 2B
Evaluation of System Evolvability Based on Usable Excess by Allen, J. D., Mattson, C. A., and Ferguson, S. M., Journal of Mechanical Design, 2016, Vol. 138, No. 9
Identifying and Mapping Excess Relationships in Engineered Systems by Cansler, E., White, S., Ferguson, S., and Mattson, C. A., Journal of Mechanical Design, 2016, Vol. 138, No. 8
Design for the Developing World: Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them by Wood, A. E. and Mattson, C. A., Journal of Mechanical Design, 2016, Vol. 138, No. 3
Optimization of Excess System Capability for Increased Evolvability by Watson, J. D., Allen, J. D, Mattson, C. A., and Ferguson, S. M., Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2016, Vol. 53., No. 6
Associative CAD References in the Neutral Parametric Canonical Form by Staves, D., Salmon, J.L., and Red, W.E., Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 14, 4, 2016, \\ DOI:
Methods for Determining the Optimal Number of Simultaneous Contributors for Multi-user CAD Parts by Stone, B., Salmon, J.L., Hepworth, A., Red, W.E., Killian, M., La, A., Pedersen, A., and Jones, T., Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 14, 5, 2016, \\ DOI:
L-Dominance: An Approximate-Domination Mechanism for Adaptive Resolution of Pareto Frontiers by Hancock, B. J., Nysetvold, T., Mattson, C. A., Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2015, Vol. 52, No. 2
Hybrid Bishop-Hill Model Combined Finite Element Analysis for Elastic-Yield Limited Design by Takahashi, R., Fullwood, D. T., Rampton, T. M., Skousen, D. J., Adams, B. L., and Mattson, C. A., Engineering Computations, 2015, Vol. 32, No. 6
Modular Product Optimization to Alleviate Poverty: An Irrigation Pump Case Study by Lewis, P. K., Mattson C. A., and Wood, C. D., International Journal of Product Development, 2015, Vol. 20, No. 1
Nine Principles for Design for the Developing World as Derived from the Engineering Literature by Mattson C. A. , and Wood, A. E., Journal of Mechanical Design, 2014, Vol. 136, No. 12
A Model for Quantifying System Evolvability Based on Excess and Capacity by Tackett, M. W. P., Mattson, C. A., and Ferguson, S. M., Journal of Mechanical Design, 2014, Vol. 136, No. 5
Using Topology Optimization to Numerically Improve Barriers to Reverse Engineering by D. D. LeBaron and C. A. Mattson, Journal of Mechanical Design, 2014, Vol. 136, No. 2
Considering Dynamic Pareto Frontiers in Decision Making by Lewis, P. K., Tackett, M.W.P., and Mattson, C. A., Optimization and Engineering, 2014, Vol. 15, No. 4
The Smart Normal Constraint Method for Directly Generating a Smart Pareto Set by Hancock, B. J., Mattson, C. A., Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2013, Vol. 48, No. 4
Usage Scenarios for Design Space Exploration with a Dynamic Multiobjective Optimization Formulation by Curtis, S. K., Hancock, B. J., and Mattson, C. A., Research in Engineering Design, 2013, Vol. 24, No. 4
An Optimization-Based Method for Designing Modular Systems that Traverse Dynamic s-Pareto Frontiers by Lewis, P. K. and Mattson, C. A., Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2013, Vol. 48, No. 5
Divergent Exploration in Design with a Dynamic Multiobjective Optimization Formulation by Curtis, S. K., Mattson, C. A., Hancock, B. J., and Lewis, P. K., Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. 47, No. 5
Characterizing the Effects of Learning when Reverse Engineering Multiple Samples of the Same Product by Curtis, S. K., Harston, S. P., and Mattson, C. A., Journal of Mechanical Design, 2013, Vol. 135, No. 1
Propagating Skewness and Kurtosis Through Engineering Models for Low-Cost, Meaningful, Non-Deterministic Design by Anderson, T. V. and Mattson, C. A., Journal of Mechanical Design, Special Issue on Design Under Uncertainty, 2012, Vol. 134, No. 10
A Differentially Driven Flapping Wing Mechanism for Force Analysis and Trajectory Optimization by George, R. B., Colton, M. B., Mattson, C. A., Thomson, S. L., International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles, 2012, Vol. 4, No. 1
Design Space Exploration for Quantifying and Improving System Model Execution Reliability by Larson, B. H., and Mattson, C. A., Journal of Mechanical Design, 2012, Vol. 134, No. 4
A Method for Developing Systems that Traverse the Pareto Frontiers of Multiple System Concepts Over Time by Lewis, P. K., and Mattson, C. A., Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2012, 45(4)
Efficient Propagation of Error through System Models for Functions Common in Engineering by Anderson, T. V., Mattson, C. A., Larson, B. H., and Fullwood, D. T., Journal of Mechanical Design, 2012, Vol. 134
Hybrid Bishop-Hill Model for Elastic-Yield Limited Design With Non-Orthorhombic Polycrystalline Metals by Takahashi, R., Prasai, D, Adams, B. L., and Mattson, C. A., Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 134.1, 2011
The Fundamentals of Barriers to Reverse Engineering and their Implementation into Mechanical Components by Curtis, S. K., Harston, S. P., and Mattson, C. A., Research in Engineering Design, Vol 22, 2011
A Design Optimization Strategy for Creating Devices that Traverse the Pareto Frontier Over Time by Lewis, P. K., Murray, V. R., and Mattson, C. A., Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. 43, No. 2, 2011
A Computationally-Assisted Methodology for Preference-Guided Conceptual Design by Barnum, G. J. and Mattson, C. A., Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 132, No. 12, 2010
Capitalizing on Heterogeneity and Anisotropy to Design Desirable Hardware that is Difficult to Reverse Engineer by Harston, S. P., Mattson, C. A., and Adams, B. L., Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 132, 2010
Metrics for Evaluating the Barrier and Time to Reverse Engineer a Product by Harston, S. P., and Mattson, C. A., Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 132, 2010
Optimization of Near-constant Force Springs Subject to Mating Uncertainty by Meaders, J. C., and Mattson, C. A., Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. 41, No. 1, 2010
Case Studies in Concept Exploration and Selection with s-Pareto Frontiers by Mattson, C. A., Mullur, A. A., and Messac, A., International Journal of Product Development, Special Issue on Space Exploration and Design Optimization, Vol. 9, No.1/2/3, 2009
Configuration Selection, Modeling, and Preliminary Testing in Support of Constant Force Electrical Connectors by Weight, B. L., Mattson, C. A., Magleby, S. P., and Howell, L. L., ASME Journal of Electronic Packaging, Vol. 129, No. 3, 2007